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Find out about Moventia and the mobility sector

Stay up-to-date with Moventia news, current affairs in the mobility sector and the reports and evaluations that our experts publish in this section.

Barcelona’s new tram line extension undergoes initial testing with innovative underground catenary system
The week of July 15, Moventis, as part of TRAM, began operational tests on the new tram section in Barcelona.
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A delegation from Moventia and Moventis attends CONFEBUS JOURNEY 2024
Executives from Moventia and Moventis attended Confebus Journey 2024 on 29 and 30 May
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Moventia, an example of inclusive corporate culture, attends event promoted by the Integralia Foundation and BOTH People & Comms
The multinational family business specialising in mobility showcased its leadership in corporate social responsibility alongside Teladoc Health.
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Miquel Martí takes part in the ‘True Leaders’ session organised by The New Barcelona Post and EY
The Chairman of Moventia spoke about his professional career heading up the multinational company, as well as his leadership, innovation for progress on sustainability and the international expansion process.
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Moventia demonstrates its commitment to training and job creation at 3rd Automotive Day
The collective mobility and individual mobility divisions of Movento and Moventis took part in the event promoted by the Monlau professional training school.
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Moventia strengthens its support for culture by sponsoring Itinera Parlem Festival once again
The company will once again support the cultural event that seeks to promote musicians from small towns while also bringing life to their rural environment
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