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Moventis TCC Pamplona proposes responsible solutions to urban mobility challenges at 4th ECOMOVERS
20 May 2024

On 16 May, Carlos Elizalde, Head of Marketing and Communication at Moventis TCC Pamplona, gave a presentation on the sustainable mobility strategy employed by the operator in the region as part of the 4th ECOMOVERS event.

His attendance at this trade fair, which gathered industry leaders, sustainability experts and members of the public with a commitment to the environment, highlighted the sustainability efforts being championed by the operator in Pamplona. It also reflected the commitment being made by Moventis TCC as a pioneer in the implementation of clean technologies and environmentally friendly mobility strategies, while underlining the importance of adopting sustainable measures in public transport. In his talk, Carlos highlighted the ongoing efforts by the company to lead the switch over to a more sustainable transport system: from the introduction of electric buses to the optimisation of routes to reduce emissions.

ECOMOVERS, which stands as the best showcase for ECO vehicles in Pamplona, took place on 16, 17 and 18 May at the Navarra Arena multi-purpose venue. It was a great opportunity to display, offer and provide information about new electric vehicle models, brands, dealerships and operators in Navarre to the local public. Furthermore, the trade fair was held to show and promote technologies and products capable of making a contribution to sustainable mobility.

Attendance by Moventis TCC Pamplona to ECOMOVERS not only demonstrated its leadership in the field of sustainable mobility but also inspired other stakeholders in the sector to follow its example.