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Moventia supporting research on Alzheimer’s Disease
18 July 2018

Faithful to its values and Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, Moventia actively participates and collaborates with over 50 non-profit organisations. On this occasion, it is pleased to announce its membership of the Patronage Council of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation. Moventia has made a contribution that will be donated in full to the Clinical Research on the Prevention of Dementia Unit, specifically the Alpha Study. 

At a recent visit by Miquel and Sílvia Martí, Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Directors, to the innovative installations owned by the foundation, its Director, Jordi Camino, wished to share and highlight the objectives and details of the research being conducted by the Alpha Study:

“We know that the damage caused to the brain by Alzheimer’s Disease may have silently begun up to 20 years before the first symptoms appear. We need to anticipate this, study what happens to the brain years before Alzheimer’s Disease develops. Our goal is to take action before it is too late and the damage is already irreversible”.

For this reason, Moventia is pleased and proud to be taking part in such a socially important initiative at a global level, in which the figures speak for themselves:

– 2,734 volunteer children of people with Alzheimer’s Disease
– 50 professionals
– 9,891 visit hours
– 10,892 samples to the Biobank
– 78,963 cognitive tests
– 421 magnetic resonance scans

We remain committed to research and its success for contributing to a better society!