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Motorprim joins the ‘Together on the Asphalt’ campaign by Hyundai
12 March 2020

Motorprim, the official Hyundai dealership of the Movento group, will provide a support car to all those cycling associations and clubs that ask for one to use whenever they go out training on the roads.

This is the Motorprim dealership’s way of taking part in the ‘Together on the Asphalt’ campaign launched by Hyundai in 2017, which seeks to protect cyclists and foster more civilised road sharing between cyclists and motor vehicle drivers. Presence at the back of the pack by the Hyundai vehicle fitted with special liveries will ensure that any vehicles overtaking the cyclists do so correctly, respecting the 1.5-metre distance required by law.

“Safety on the roads is essential, and that’s why we have joined this campaign”, explained Lluís Conesa, General Manager of Motorprim. “It is very important for vehicles and cyclists to protect one another, and we encourage all cycling clubs and associations to join the ‘Together on the Asphalt’ campaign”, he added.

All cycling associations and clubs that want a free support car can request one at: