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Sarfa recognised by Palamós Chamber of Commerce on its centenary
25 November 2021

Moventis Sarfa is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2021, having become an important symbol of public transport throughout Catalonia and especially in Gerona. This milestone did not pass unnoticed by some of the major organisations and authorities in Gerona, such as the Palamós Chamber of Commerce and Begur Local Council.


At the 14th Begur Economic Affairs Debate, promoted by the two entities and recently held at the Aiguablava Parador Hotel, Miquel Martí, Chairman of Moventia, received an award from the President of the Palamós Chamber of Commerce, Pol Fages, and the Mayor of Begur, Maite Selva, in recognition of the century-long track record behind Moventis Sarfa.


The Chairman of Moventia, Miquel Martí, said “we are very happy to have a century-old company like Moventis Sarfa in our group, one with a successful history that inspires us all to keep working so hard to offer the very best public mobility experience”. He went on to add that “this award recognises all those people who have made it possible for Moventis Sarfa to become the great company it is today. I can do no more than express my sincerest gratitude to all of them, and specifically to Enric Gimeno – General Manager of Sarfa – and everyone in his team who make it all possible, as well as to the Palamós Chamber of Commerce and Begur Local Council for inviting us to this event and giving us this award”.


The Chairman of Moventia and its Managing Director, Josep Maria Martí, with the General Manager of Sarfa, Enric Gimeno, attended the Begur Economic Affairs Debate organised by the Palamós Chamber of Commerce. This year, the event featured a highly renowned speaker – the economist and professor of economic affairs from Columbia University, Xavier Sala y Martín, who opened proceedings with a talk entitled “The Economy of the 20s”. The event also gathered other executives from local institutions and authorities.


Photo (from left to right): Josep Maria Martí, Managing Director of Moventia and Deputy Chairman of Moventis; Silvia Martí, Deputy Chairwoman for Corporate Affairs, Internal Communication and Institutional Relations of Moventia; Maite Selva, Mayor of Begur; Pol Fages, President of the Palamós Chamber of Commerce; Miquel Martí, Chairman of Moventia; and Enric Gimeno, General Manager of Sarfa