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Moventia sponsors II Itinera Parlem Festival
3 May 2022

Moventia is pleased to be a sponsor of the II Itinera Parlem Festival this year, a project created by the Catalan Association of Microtowns and Aktive. The project was launched in 2021 to raise the profile of Microtowns and their attractive features. This festival consisted of quality music in micro format.

Microtowns are municipalities with fewer than 500 inhabitants in Catalonia. There are a total of 337, of which more than 200 are members of the Catalan Association of Microtowns.

Itinera seeks two objectives: to raise the profile of the reality for Microtowns in Catalonia and to bring quality culture to iconic spaces in these towns. The festival includes musicians from the genres of Jazz, Blues, Gospel and Soul, among others, and also hosts important benchmark performers from the Catalan music scene, as well as collaborations with conservatoires and music schools in Catalonia, such as Liceu and Esmuc.

This open and inclusive project is taking place for the second time in 2022. It began on 1 May and will conclude on 30 October after more than 120 concerts.

Following its first edition in 2021, the Itinera Festival was given an Impulsa Award by the Catalunya Cultura Foundation. Its incredible work was recognised by this project for de-ruralisation through culture and, more specifically music, in turn demonstrating that culture fosters social transformation.

Moventia shares this vision and understands culture as a tool for conveying values that encourages critical thought and becomes an instrument for social cohesion and development in a more active society. That is why, Moventia promotes and supports actions and projects that seek to bring quality culture from this region to everyone.

Moventia holds the Seal of Recognition for Commitment to Culture from the Cataluña Cultura Foundation in recognition of its ties to and involvement in promoting Catalan culture.