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Moventis Sarfa recognised at Girona Tourism Awards
8 April 2022

The award ceremony for the Girona Tourism Awards organised by the Costa Brava-Girona Tourist Board took place yesterday, Thursday 7 April, at the Church of Sant Pere in Ripoll. These annual awards seek to strengthen internal relations within the tourism sector, recognise the expertise of professionals and business leaders, and stimulate competitiveness from the tourism sector on the Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees.


Moventis Sarfa received the “Xiquet Sabater Award for business projects”, which recognises those public or private institutions, entities or businesses that design, operate or consolidate projects or proposals that clearly contribute to enriching the attractiveness of the Costa Brava and/or Girona Pyrenees brands and stand out for their activity in support of developing tourism in the various parts of Girona.


The event, at which a video commemorating 100 years of the company was shown, was attended by the following on behalf of Moventis Sarfa: Josep Maria Martí, Vice-President and CEO of Moventia. Executive Vice-President of MOVENTIS; Juan Giménez, General Manager of Moventis; Enric Gimeno Aragonés, Manager of Moventis SARFA: Ana Gil, Head of Marketing at MOVENTIS, and a number of employees from Moventis SARFA.


According to Enric Gimeno, Manager of Moventis SARFA and the person responsible for collecting the award, “we want to dedicate this award to many people; first of all, to the public sector and especially the local council authorities of the 100 municipalities to which we currently provide our transport service, to the county councils, to the Regional Government of Catalonia, to Girona Provincial Council, to the Girona-Costa Brava Tourism Board, to the Chambers of Commerce of Palamós, Sant Feliu and Girona…; and, secondly, to the private sector, which has always supported us, and to our passengers, who have trusted and continue to trust in us.

And, as well, to all those people who, over the last 100 years, have dedicated or dedicate a good part of their life to SARFA, to the drivers of the present and past. This recognition is very much yours because, without you, this long journey would not have been possible”.