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Moventis Illes promotes job placement in Mallorca with subsidies for students who take the initial CAP for travellers
1 February 2023


Moventis Illes, concessionaire of interurban public transport of the TIB network in Mallorca, has signed a collaboration agreement with driving schools in the territory where its service operates. The agreement is valid for one year and will be automatically renewed to add more years of commitment to Mallorcan society.

This new project promoted by the company aims to promote job placement. The division based in Mallorca of the Moventia group will grant a subsidy for students of the CAP course (Professional Aptitude Course) who are interested in accessing job offers from the transport operator.

During the course, the staff of the Moventis team will publicize the company and present the contract offer to the students. The opportunity will have a prior selection process through individual interviews, followed by a driving test, which will serve to assess the aptitudes of each candidate for the position, and, finally, the notification of the incorporation to the company to the candidates who have been selected.

Obtaining the grant will be delivered gradually during the first professional stage at Moventis Illes.

This initiative demonstrates the Moventia group’s commitment to society. The expert company in sustainable mobility reinforces its proposal of opportunities with the mission of promoting the labour sector.