Miquel Martí at the ACG urban mobility conference

The Chairman of Moventia, Miquel Martí, spoke at a breakfast organised by the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) at the Círculo Ecuestre private club in Barcelona on 7 April. The theme for the event was “City Mobility”.


Besides Miquel Martí, the other speakers included Mar Alarcón, Founder and CEO of Social Car, and Timo Buetefisch, Co-founder and CEO of Cooltra.  Moderated by Teresa Lloret, Senior Partner at Kreab, the session took place over two blocks around the topic of urban mobility: regulation of the sector and growth projects for companies in the mobility sector.


Miquel Martí stressed that a commitment should be made to sustainable mobility but with alternatives to the private vehicle. He underlined the essential nature of investing in public transport and infrastructures within metropolitan areas such as Barcelona. He went on to say that the idea of implementing a toll system at the entrance to the city of Barcelona would reduce the number of private vehicles on the roads and the funds raised could be spent on promoting public transport and mobility platforms.


In turn, Mar Alarcón stressed that the crusade against private vehicles in Barcelona is incomprehensible under the current mobility system. The public authorities are moving in one direction while the needs of the sector are moving in another, highlighting the absence of any constructive dialogue.


Timo Buetefisch defended the need for regulation in the mobility sector that follows a future-focused mobility plan and model with a design based on public-private partnerships.


The event organiser, ACG, is the largest non-profit global community of business leaders and professionals in the corporate world whose interests are focused on sharing experiences and relationships for the development of companies. It was set up in the United States in 1954 and now has over 13,000 members organised into 55 chapters worldwide. It began operating in Spain in 2010.



Timo Buetefisch va argumentar la necessària regulació del sector de la mobilitat però que per fer-ho són necessaris un model i un pla de mobilitat a futur, dissenyat a partir de la col·laboració publico-privada.


L’organitzador de la jornada, ACG, és la comunitat global d’empresaris i professionals més gran del món corporatiu, sense ànim de lucre, els seus interessos se centren en compartir experiències i relacions en el desenvolupament de les empreses. La seva fundació va ser a Estats Units, el 1954, i compta amb més de 13.000 membres organitzats en 55 chapters arreu del món. A Espanya va iniciar activitats el 2010.

Moventia in the special sectoral column of Carril Bus

The Carril Bus magazine recently published a special sectoral article on the main transport operators in Spain. The article includes opinions from benchmark executives at each of the companies about the crisis stemming from the global pandemic and their outlooks for the coming months and years in the public mobility sector. The article also includes insights and perspectives from Josep María Martí, CEO of Moventia, on future trends and his conclusions from the last 12 months.

The article can be read in full here


8 March: International Women’s Day

At Moventia, our goal remains to foster equality and parity between men and women within the mobility sector. Ever since plans for equality between men and women were launched in 2007, and following our adherence and commitment to the manifesto promoted by the European Transport Commission to encourage the hiring of women, our company has ceaselessly pushed towards building a sector with more equal treatment and jobs between men and women. At present, all our companies have sexual harassment prevention mechanisms in place and are governed by equal access to employment, professional classification, training and promotion, as well as equal pay and work-life balance for everyone who works at Moventia.

Moventia at the awards: #PremiIMPULSA and #PremiEMPRESACULTURA

The #PremiIMPULSA and #PremiEMPRESACULTURA awards were presented on 4 February during an event held at the Old Estrella Damm Brewery that was attended by the Culture Councillor, Ms. Àngels Ponsa. On behalf of Moventia, Silvia Martí was honoured with a seat on the panel.
The EMPRESA CULTURA Prize [CULTURE COMPANY] was given for the first time by the Catalonia Culture Foundation to raise the profile of a company engaged in action that is committed and contributes to culture with a regional impact.
The panel particularly valued its regional scope, great social impact and contribution to motivating multiple pro-culture initiatives beyond the boundaries of its corporate purpose.
Through this recognition, the Catalonia Culture Foundation seeks to thank the world of business for its contribution to culture, an essential sector that is currently experiencing some very tough times due to the pandemic.

Moventia maintains its support for society

Moventia has agreed to maintain its partnerships with all the social entities it has been providing resources to for many years. This decision has been taken based on the effort and commitment that, now more than ever, our society needs from companies within the business fabric to help deal with the complicated situations we are experiencing as a result of the crisis caused by COVID-19.

Over the course of recent years, Moventia’s solidarity partnerships have been focused on a commitment to guaranteeing mobility to the public and people with difficulty in accessing these services. However, the coronavirus crisis has led Moventia to make the funds provided under these partnerships available so they can be allocated wherever needed and deemed most appropriate in order to alleviate and improve the tough situations being caused by COVID-19. These are difficult times for everyone, including Moventia, but the company wishes to maintain its commitment to working with society.

Auser now also doing business in Manresa and Vic

Auser, the official Renault and Dacia dealership of the Movento Group, is expanding its sphere of influence with two new official dealerships and garages in Manresa and Vic after taking over the dealerships for these brands in Bages and Osona. Auser has thus boosted its distribution activity for Renault and Dacia by including a strategic area into its already solid network in the cities of Pineda de Mar, Mataró, Badalona, Cerdanyola, Rubí, Sabadell, Sant Cugat del Vallès and Terrassa.

By opening these facilities, Movento – a benchmark group in private mobility services with 67 years of history – has consolidated its operation in an area where it already operates alongside Sarsa (Audi and Volkswagen), Stern Motor (Mercedes and Smart) and Auto Pla Vic 4×4 (Jaguar and Land Rover).

The combination of experience and professionalism offered by the Auser team, together with Movento’s regional knowledge, will enable a new and exciting project to be launched to provide the best purchase experience and an after-sales service of the highest quality to its customers.

“We are very pleased and excited to be able to now offer our services to customers in this strategic area for us, and we are convinced that we will become the benchmark dealership for the area thanks to our high-quality personalised service”, explains Antoni Sánchez Aguirre, Auser Manager.

Moventia Solidaria team runs Magic Line

For the second year in a row, the Moventia Solidaria team took part in the 20K Magic Line run from Vallvidrera to Barcelona Cathedral yesterday. The route gives runners the chance to take in some marvellous views of Barcelona from the Sant Pere Màrtir and El Xiprers viewpoints in Collserola and the Montjuïc viewpoint in Miramar. Running along the streets of Barcelona on a sunny day and for a good cause is an incredible experience.

More people joined the team this year and they described the experience as follows: “a huge personal challenge, but doing it for a good cause makes it even more enriching and motivates you”, “I was able to meet people from the company I didn’t know before and share a very special day with them”, “it was fantastic. I’ll definitely do it again”.

The Moventia Solidaria team managed to raise almost 1,600 euros this year. Why not join the team yourself next year and help us increase that figure?

The Magic Line is a charity event organised by San Juan de Dios to raise money for the most vulnerable people in society.

Moventia supporting culture

Faithful to its commitment to society, people and the community, and under its CSR policy, Moventia has once again renewed its partnership agreements with the El Vallès Symphony Orchestra and the Gran Teatre del Liceu, which were both first signed in 2017.

Through this action, Moventia seeks to promote, encourage and publicise cultural activity in this country as tools for social cohesion between people and society while also promoting the values upheld by the two entities.

The company has also been working with Fundació Orfeó Catalá – Palau de la Música since 2018 to help ensure these actions have a positive impact on society in general and people.

Moventia, committed to society

Moventia, in line with its CSR policy and with the aim of achieving a better society, has again been involved in the commitment and social responsibility of its environment by participating in non-profit entities and foundations.

Highlighted actions in December include, finding collaboration with the Enriqueta Villavecchia Foundation during the celebration of its 30th anniversary, as well as providing two vehicles to the same foundation. In addition, some of our employees took part in a volunteering scheme for the Three Wise Men to give presents to sick children.
In this regard, during the celebration of La Marató, dedicated to rare diseases, Moventia provided a bus from the company Sarfa to accompany the presenter, Quim Masferrer, around Catalonia.

Finally, Sarsa, the Seat, Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda and Cupra dealership of the Movento group participated in the processions of the Three Wise Men in Granollers, Terrassa and Castellar del Vallès, once again showing its commitment to society.