Moventia takes part in 2nd edition of Sant Joan de Déu Inseparables Gala

For the second consecutive year, Moventia had the pleasure of supporting the 2nd edition of the Sant Joan de Déu Inseparables Gala in Barcelona. This charity event seeks to make progress in the approach to researching serious diseases that affect children.

The evening consisted of a virtual dinner, with each attendee sat at home but connected via smartphones and computers. Everyone who registered for the event took part by making donations to their chosen line of research during the course of a gala that was full of entertainment, fun, prizes and lots of emotion.

More than 2,200 people living in over 25 Spanish provinces and 11 different countries came together for this evening of music, science and many surprises. Guests had the chance to hear about new medical projects at various departments, listen to the testimony of several families of patients who shared their experience first-hand and to re-live moments and experiences from the past, including a video made with oncology patients nine years ago that got everyone very emotional indeed.

A total of € 650,000 was raised by the event for the lines of research chosen by each guest attending the event. A night full of emotions that once again made it possible to raise funds to support the work being done to treat diseases in children at Sant Joan de Déu

Moventia at the Tomorrow Mobility World Congress

 Tomorrow.Mobility is a global event for promoting the future of mobility. As part of the Smart City Expo World Congress that began yesterday in Barcelona, this new event – jointly organised by Fira de Barcelona and EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the European Union – was unveiled to society. The event is also supported by major institutions and companies in the mobility sector, including Moventia. Tomorrow.Mobility seeks to become a global benchmark in mobility and to grow beyond an isolated event as it will have an online knowledge platform that remains active throughout the year and an innovation hub for gathering the top players in the industry. Miquel Martí Escursell, Chairman of Moventia, has formed part of the Advisory Board that manages this debate and knowledge platform about the future of mobility since it was first set up and attended the event opening yesterday.

The Smart City Expo World Congress is a globally leading event on smart cities. Its partners include EIT Urban Mobility, the largest European initiative for transforming urban mobility created by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. It is also receiving initial support from over 100 companies and entities, including the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, United Nations, Microsoft, Mastercard, ADP (Airports of Paris), the International Association of Ports, the Port of Barcelona, Moventia, RACC and Social Car.

Tomorrow.Mobility is an evolution of the Smart Mobility Congress, the event focused on smart intercity and urban mobility that has been taking place alongside the Smart City Expo World Congress since 2016. Tomorrow.Mobility will tackle such issues as micro mobility (electric scooters, bicycles), public transport, mobility service providers (car sharing, aero taxis), the automotive industry (electric, connected and autonomous cars), last-mile logistics (e-commerce deliveries, delivery drones), smart infrastructures (fleet management, geopositioning and payment systems), the energy transition and efficiency, and digitalisation. It exists in response to the questions surrounding what mobility should be like in cities of the future with smart and sustainable transport systems, and builds an innovation network for urban mobility at a global level capable of encouraging innovation and its transformation towards a more sustainable form of mobility.

The event will take place at the Gran Via venue in Barcelona from 16 to 18 November





Moventia takes part in 1st PAE 3040 Forum

Josep María Martí, Managing Director of Moventia and Deputy Chairman of Moventis, attended the 1st PAE 3040 Forum organised by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Catalan Industrial Estates Union (UPIC). This recent event sought to analyse the transformative and innovative capability of Economic Activity Industrial Estates (PAE in Spanish).

The event, which discussed the future of industrial estates and their economic activity in Catalonia, produced some highly enriching results and debated various perspectives on key current affairs in this sector, such as Cofactoring, connectivity, sustainability and the importance of cross-cutting technology solutions.

In this regard, Josep Maria Martí took part in a round table discussion on innovation where he shared the various mobility options that Moventia offers to PAE and that seek to improve travel services for employees of companies based in these areas through such solutions as on-demand buses with the Moventis Empresa app.

This debate also benefited from opinions expressed by the experts Mercè Conesa, Director of INCASÒL (Catalan Institute of the Sun) and Board Member at ODEE (Observatori de la Dona Empresa Economia); Santi Macià, an officer from the Productive Fabric Service of Barcelona Provincial Council; and Vicenç Iglesias, Managing Director of MODI.



Moventia and TRAM renew their commitment to Sant Joan de Déu

Moventia and TRAM have renewed their support for the project aimed at providing easier access to mobility for the homeless people being helped by Sant Joan de Déu Servicios Sociales – Barcelona. This partnership, which is one of the projects being organised by the two businesses as socially responsible companies, represents a contribution of 60,000 euros per year towards providing easier access to public transport for the people supported by various social service programmes run by the organisation.


The project seeks to offer free access to public transport in the city of Barcelona and surrounding areas for the homeless people being looked after by the various direct support programmes run by Sant Joan de Déu Servicios Sociales – Barcelona so they can attend their training, employment or job search activities, medical appointments, regain their network of social and family relationships, engage in socialisation support activities (including leisure and cultural activities) and any other type of procedure or activity coordinated with the social workers of Sant Joan de Déu to help them take back control of their life.


Mobility is one of the key aspects that are essential in combating social exclusion. The programme launched by Sant Joan de Déu with support from Moventia and TRAM helps to reduce this inequality – a problem encountered by many people – by facilitating travel on public transport. Moventia has adopted a clear commitment to people in this regard and beyond its employees, users and customers. In line with UN SDG 17 ‘Partnerships for the Goals’, Moventia and TRAM develop in-house programmes and, as is the case on this occasion, partner with non-profit entities and foundations to promote a better society and contribute towards improving quality of life for the most vulnerable.


The funding received has already impacted the lives of more than 2,200 people over the five years of this partnership, all of them men and women aged between 18 and 65 supported by Sant Joan de Déu Servicios Sociales – Barcelona on the programmes it runs in the city. In addition, and in response to the COVID-19 situation, part of the contribution in 2021 was used on a line of financial aid to make rent payments on behalf of vulnerable households in order to prevent them from potentially losing their homes.



Public transport, a tool for inclusion   

The partnership renewal event was attended by the Corporate Deputy Chairwoman for Internal and Institutional Communication of Moventia, Sílvia Martí; the General Manager of TRAM, Humberto López Vilalta; the Director of Sant Joan de Déu Servicios Sociales – Barcelona, Salvador Maneu; and the Director of Obra Social Sant Joan de Déu, Oriol Bota.


During the conversation, public transport was highlighted as an essential tool that enables people to engage in daily life, such as studying, working or maintaining a social network, and is especially important for those homeless people needing to access various public resources throughout the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area. Furthermore, access to transportation allows them to enjoy additional activities that directly impact their recovery because they strengthen social and community ties.


The meeting was also an opportunity for these representatives from the two companies to visit the new dentistry clinic for people with no financial resources that is jointly managed by SJD Servicios Sociales Barcelona and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona, and funded by Barcelona City Council and internal funding from Sant Joan de Déu.

Moventia receives ‘Integralia’ Distinction for social inclusion

The inclusion of 22 persons with disabilities at the Customer Services Centre of the T-Mobilitat project is the initiative by Moventia that was recognised by the Integralia DKV Foundation as one of the most ambitious in the field of labour market inclusion in which the social entity has taken part.


Moventia, a benchmark company in the field of sustainable mobility, received the ‘Integralia’ Distinction from the Integralia DKV Foundation for its work on labour market inclusion for persons with disabilities as part of the 21st anniversary celebrations at the foundation.

Presented to Jordi Castells, Operations Manager at Moventis, by Josep Santacreu, Chairman of the Integralia DKV Foundation, at a recent event in Madrid, the award represents genuine backing for Moventia in its commitment to promoting equal opportunities in the labour market for the most vulnerable groups in society, such as persons with disabilities.

In this regard, the distinction presented by the Integralia DKV Foundation recognises the incorporation by Moventia of 22 persons with disabilities in the labour market at the Customer Services Centre of the T-Mobilitat project. Together, they account for over 85% of the professionals who make up this call centre led by Moventia, undoubtedly the most ambitious project in which the Integralia DKV Foundation has taken part.

When Jordi Castells, Operations Manager at Moventis, collected the Integralia Award, Josep Santacreu, Chairman of the Integralia DKV Foundation, said “it has been a great opportunity for us to work shoulder-to-shoulder with such an important company in the mobility sector as Moventia, and to help realise its project to include persons with disabilities in the professional customer services team at T-Mobilitat, which it promotes as a member of the SocMobilitat consortium”.

To this statement, Jordi Castells, Operations Manager at Moventis, added: “Moventia has a very clear commitment to promoting equality in every sense of the word and we work hard every day to encourage inclusion in the labour market, among other places, for the most vulnerable groups in society, such as persons with some form or another of disability.  We quickly accepted the invitation from Integralia DKV Foundation when it offered its experience, as it is unquestionably the perfect partner for building a professional team that will lead the customer services department of T-Mobilitat”.


The cutting edge of progress in social-labour inclusion

The project that received this Integralia Distinction represents another step forward in the development of labour market inclusion and social projects launched by Moventia. As part of its commitment to equal opportunities and labour market inclusion for building a better society, the company currently employs 86 persons with one form or another of disability, over 2% of its entire workforce. Furthermore, all the vehicles used by the company for public transport services are adapted for persons with reduced mobility.


This recognition underpins the commitment from Moventia to promoting equal opportunities in the labour market for the most vulnerable groups in society


Moventia Welcomes Ms Mercè Rius from the Generalitat de Catalunya

We were recently visited by Ms Mercè RiusDirector General of Transport and Mobility, along with Mr Josep Maria FortunyDeputy Director General of Transport Planning and Sector Development, both from the Generalitat de Catalunya government.

The visit was divided into two parts, the first of which took place at the Moventia corporate office in the city of Sant Cugat del Vallès, where they were able to observe first-hand how the Moventia corporate team has been organized ever since it moved to the new Moventia site in 2019. The visitors saw and evaluated the company’s flexible cross systems in addition to the state-of-the-art technology supporting them. They also had the opportunity to find out about the different areas related to the passenger transport division, Moventis. Those responsible for corporate tasks were able to explain their various projects and responsibilities to the Director General as well as how they are working to adapt to the crisis caused by the pandemic and focusing on enhancing rolling stock to offer more sustainable services. 

The second part was a visit to the new garage Moventis recently opened in Sabadell. This base, which is used by Sarbus and La Vallesana, has the capacity to house 170 buses, a car wash and a fuel supply area. The more than 23,700 m2 in Sant Pau de Riu-sec (Pausec) is home to three business divisions (Sarbus-La Vallesana, Vallès de Automoción and Stern Motor) in order to provide fast, quality integrated sales and after-sales services with commercial vehicles, vans and industrial transport.

Sant Cugat Empresarial Presents its Strategy to the Town Council

During an institutional visit, the Mayor of Sant Cugat del Vallès, Mireia Ingla, welcomed a representative group of the Sant Cugat Empresarial board of which Silvia Martí has been a member since last June. Also present at the event was the Deputy Mayor for Economic Promotion, Employment, Business and Commerce, Elena Vila.

During the meeting, the highest-ranking member of Sant Cugat Empresarial, Jaume Vives, Chairman and Managing Director of Roche Diagnòstics, told the Mayor of Sant Cugat about the association’s main strategic lines for the next three years. A decision was made to create a mixed commission to monitor various urban development, economic and business invigoration issues.

Moventia is a part of Sant Cugat Empresarial with the aim of working together with other companies in the area to generate more and better economic development for local businesses, support and mentor local entrepreneurs and start-ups, foster corporate social responsibility activities among associated companies and establish forward-looking ties between schools, universities and businesses.


picture: Sant Cugat Empresarial

Moventia Helps Train Drivers

As it has done in previous years, Moventia has once again used a subsidy from the Catalan Occupation Service to promote training courses for the comprehensive qualification of new public transport professionals as part of our commitment to CSR and equal opportunities.

A total of four courses were run in 2021: two in Sant Cugat, one in Mataró and another in Sabadell, the latter in partnership with the Sabadell Town Council.

A total of 60 new professionals have completed or will complete their training shortly in preparation for the D and initial CAP driving tests. Moventis will offer jobs at companies within the group to at least 40% of the students who pass these tests.

We look forward to welcoming them into the team.