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Celebrations at Moventis Pays de Montbéliard
20 February 2020

The employees and senior management team at Moventis Pays de Montbéliard held their traditional end-of-year event in the last week of January to take stock of the last 12 months and define the main lines of action for 2020. The Manager of Moventis Pays de Montbéliard, Gregory Carmona, was in charge of leading the event, accompanied by the Executive Deputy Chair of Moventis and CEO of Moventia, Josep Maria Martí, the Corporate Deputy Chair of Moventia and Communication and Institutional Relations Manager, Silvia Martí, and the Managing Director of Moventis, Juan Giménez.

Three main priorities have been set for this year: consolidating the work done in 2019; focusing the company on the customer; and reconciling the business to improve relations between the company’s services, defining 2020 as the year of harmony and reconciliation. A number of political representatives from the Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération were also there, led by its President, lending added significance to the event organised for employees and their families.

Furthermore, the event was used to introduce the new Operations Manager, Marc Joigneau, and present medals to those employees with more than 20 years of service to the company. Certificates were also handed out to a total of nine new drivers who joined the company this year, who will now become part of the experienced team of drivers in charge of the fleet in Montbéliard.