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The Can San Joan bus, a success story at “Public transport school”
17 December 2021

Joan Giménez, General Manager of Regular Services at Moventis, was invited by Promoción del Transporte Público (PTP) to present our bus service on the Can San Juan industrial estate at the ‘Public Transport School’ conference recently organised by PTP on the important role played by public transport by bus in public mobility as a benchmark example of such services. 

Three routes with four vehicles, a common section with the service running every five minutes at rush hour and instructions for the driver to wait if the train is running late. These are just a few of the key characteristics that Joan Giménez shared during the round table discussion with other players in the sector. The event also included talks from: Montse Solano, a Planning Department Officer at Soler y Sauret; Gerard Pérez, Head of Operations at the Mollet depot for Sagalés; Roser Argilés, Head of Projects at Teisa; and Samuel de la Fuente, Mobility and Services Management Manager for ATM in Lleida.