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Josep Maria Martí receives ‘Honour Award’ from Etalentum
25 January 2023

The CEO of Moventis and Executive Vice-President of MoventiaJosep Maria Martí, was given the Honour Award for his personal career at the Etalentum Awards on Tuesday. This is the first time that Etalentum, a leading Spanish staff recruitment company, has organised these awards and they coincide with the celebrations surrounding the centenary of Moventia.

Josep Maria Martí was chosen by a committee of experts made up by representatives from prestigious public-private entities in the region, such as Sabadell City Council, the Chamber of Commerce in the municipality, the Banc de Sabadell, the School of Economics and Business at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and Etalentum. After studying the profiles and careers of numerous executives from the region, the panel of judges from various backgrounds unanimously decided to recognise Josep Maria Martí for his career and the success he has achieved over more than 35 years of professional life.

In turn, Josep Maria Martí expressed gratitude upon receiving this important recognition by saying “I would like to express my thanks for this magnificent award, which I receive on behalf of the entire Moventia team, the family and the teachers we have had over the years, whose lessons have taught me to trust in people, let them work, train them in the necessary skills and treat them with empathy and respect. I would also like to stress that I am particularly pleased to receive this award at the start of a year in which we are celebrating the centenary of a company set up by my grandfather in 1923”.

The Etalentum Awards are local awards and have begun their history by recognising companies based in Sabadell and surrounding towns. The main goal for this project is to highlight the value of people-centric purposes at local companies based on such diverse factors as the promotion of internal and external talent, the level of commitment to employees, the creation of opportunities for training and professional development, the application of work-life balance, integration and healthcare policies, and best practice in internal communication and transparency.

The award ceremony took place at the Sabadell Chamber of Commerce and was also attended by the Mayor of SabadellMs. Marta Farrés, as well as other prestigious representatives from the business world in El Vallès Occidental. Future editions will take place in other Spanish towns.


A benchmark for 100 years

Besides the award given to Josep Maria Martí, it should also be noted that Moventia, which is celebrating 100 years in 2023, was one of six companies nominated for the Etalentum Award in the category of ‘companies with over 100 employees’, all of which were selected by the quorum of experts for their sound projects to promote and develop human capital.

In statements from the co-founders of EtalentumJaume Alemany and David Boixader, these awards were created to “recognise the work undertaken by many companies to manage their human capital, to ensure employee motivation, to identify talent and foster it, and to facilitate work-life balance”, among other issues of a fundamental nature to business success.