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Miquel Martí at the ACG urban mobility conference
8 April 2021

The Chairman of Moventia, Miquel Martí, spoke at a breakfast organised by the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) at the Círculo Ecuestre private club in Barcelona on 7 April. The theme for the event was “City Mobility”.


Besides Miquel Martí, the other speakers included Mar Alarcón, Founder and CEO of Social Car, and Timo Buetefisch, Co-founder and CEO of Cooltra.  Moderated by Teresa Lloret, Senior Partner at Kreab, the session took place over two blocks around the topic of urban mobility: regulation of the sector and growth projects for companies in the mobility sector.


Miquel Martí stressed that a commitment should be made to sustainable mobility but with alternatives to the private vehicle. He underlined the essential nature of investing in public transport and infrastructures within metropolitan areas such as Barcelona. He went on to say that the idea of implementing a toll system at the entrance to the city of Barcelona would reduce the number of private vehicles on the roads and the funds raised could be spent on promoting public transport and mobility platforms.


In turn, Mar Alarcón stressed that the crusade against private vehicles in Barcelona is incomprehensible under the current mobility system. The public authorities are moving in one direction while the needs of the sector are moving in another, highlighting the absence of any constructive dialogue.


Timo Buetefisch defended the need for regulation in the mobility sector that follows a future-focused mobility plan and model with a design based on public-private partnerships.


The event organiser, ACG, is the largest non-profit global community of business leaders and professionals in the corporate world whose interests are focused on sharing experiences and relationships for the development of companies. It was set up in the United States in 1954 and now has over 13,000 members organised into 55 chapters worldwide. It began operating in Spain in 2010.



Timo Buetefisch va argumentar la necessària regulació del sector de la mobilitat però que per fer-ho són necessaris un model i un pla de mobilitat a futur, dissenyat a partir de la col·laboració publico-privada.


L’organitzador de la jornada, ACG, és la comunitat global d’empresaris i professionals més gran del món corporatiu, sense ànim de lucre, els seus interessos se centren en compartir experiències i relacions en el desenvolupament de les empreses. La seva fundació va ser a Estats Units, el 1954, i compta amb més de 13.000 membres organitzats en 55 chapters arreu del món. A Espanya va iniciar activitats el 2010.