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Miquel Martí takes part in Automobile Talks by Fecavem
28 April 2021

Miquel Martí, Chairman of Moventia, took part in the 3rd Automobile Talks organised by the Fecavem employers’ association under the title of ‘Mobility in Barcelona: how does it affect Catalonia?’. Alongside Miquel Martí, the Mobility Councillor at Barcelona City Council, Rosa Alarcón, was also involved in the event. The debate sought consensus between the public sector – especially Barcelona City Council – and the private automotive sector.


Miquel Martí expressed his own point of view and shared his experience in public-private relations. He said that private mobility accounts for 45% of existing transportation services and that this fact cannot be ignored. He also stressed that the concept of mobility will change after the pandemic and efforts will be needed to work hard on preventing a foreseeable scenario of chaos in mobility, one knock-on effect of which would lead to economic chaos. “Without mobility, the economy does not exist. And if the economy does not exist, there are no jobs”, said Miquel Martí. He also highlighted the need to build a mobility model that looks ahead ten years, a metropolitan mobility pact that not only serves inner Barcelona but also the outlying areas.


In turn, Rosa Alarcón stressed that powers over mobility issues currently lie with the municipal authorities within the metropolitan area and not with the AMB. She believes this should change so that all municipal positions can be brought closer together. She also said that the pandemic is an opportunity for mobility in general and private mobility in particular to undertake an ecological and digital transition. According to Rosa Alarcón, mobility should be focused on efficiency, sustainability and safety, lending importance to multimodal transport at the access points to major conurbations.