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Moventia and Sant Cugat Local Council strengthen ties
18 January 2023

On Tuesday, 10 January, Moventia received an institutional visit from the Mayor of Sant Cugat, Mireia Ingla, to its premises. The local council mayor was accompanied on her visit to the mobility company by the Deputy Mayor for the Presidency, Urban Services, Mobility and Safety, Pere Soler; the Deputy Mayor for Economic Promotion, Elena Vila; the Head of the Mayor’s Office, Víctor Punes; the Head of Communication for the Mayor’s Office, Mikel Vilalta; and the Head of the Economic Promotion Department, Anna Álvarez.

The local council delegation was received by the Chairman of Moventia, Miquel Martí Escursell; the CEO of Moventia and Executive Vice-President of Moventis, Josep Maria Martí; the Corporate Vice-President for Internal and Institutional Communication of Moventia, Sílvia Martí; the Manager of Moventis SARBUS, Júlia Gilavert; the Head of Operations at Moventis, Enric Fauste; the Assistant Manager, Aram Vidal and the Head of Marketing at Moventia, Sandra Llunell.

After a tour of the company premises, the mayor and her team showed interest in Moventia’s operations control centre. The senior management team from the company explained how the technology is responsible for comprehensively tracking the buses that operate on a network spanning 270 kilometres and providing a service to 97,000 inhabitants of the local municipality.


After visiting the company and its various departments, the senior management team then told the local council representatives about the company’s future intentions. They placed special focus on the internationalisation strategy, quality and commitment to the team, innovation and sustainability. They also provided in-depth information on the services provided by the company’s two divisions: Moventis and Movento.

The visit represented another step along a shared path aimed at offering the best possible service to the residents of Sant Cugat.