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Moventia takes part in 1st PAE 3040 Forum
17 November 2021

Josep María Martí, Managing Director of Moventia and Deputy Chairman of Moventis, attended the 1st PAE 3040 Forum organised by the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the Catalan Industrial Estates Union (UPIC). This recent event sought to analyse the transformative and innovative capability of Economic Activity Industrial Estates (PAE in Spanish).

The event, which discussed the future of industrial estates and their economic activity in Catalonia, produced some highly enriching results and debated various perspectives on key current affairs in this sector, such as Cofactoring, connectivity, sustainability and the importance of cross-cutting technology solutions.

In this regard, Josep Maria Martí took part in a round table discussion on innovation where he shared the various mobility options that Moventia offers to PAE and that seek to improve travel services for employees of companies based in these areas through such solutions as on-demand buses with the Moventis Empresa app.

This debate also benefited from opinions expressed by the experts Mercè Conesa, Director of INCASÒL (Catalan Institute of the Sun) and Board Member at ODEE (Observatori de la Dona Empresa Economia); Santi Macià, an officer from the Productive Fabric Service of Barcelona Provincial Council; and Vicenç Iglesias, Managing Director of MODI.