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Moventia participates in the IESE dialogues
22 November 2022

This Monday, November 21, Moventia has participated in the opening day of the Barcelona Mobility Dialogues of IESE Business School, which has been called Public transport: buses.


Representatives of the Moventia group’s public passenger transport division, such as Elena Aguarta – Regulatory Affairs-, attended the presentation as experts in the industry.


The colloquium was held within the framework of the collaboration of the graduate school in business management of the University of Navarra (IESE) with the Mobility and Infrastructure Management of Barcelona City Council.


Public transport: buses has been part of an eight-session program that is carried out during the 2022-2023 academic year and that aims to give a comprehensive and updated vision of mobility in the metropolitan region of Barcelona.


During the dialogue, the future of this means of transport was discussed and about the environmentally ethical alternatives that will be applied in the coming years with the aim of promoting a 100% sustainable service, objectives that Moventia shares.