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Moventia receives Pays de Montbéliard
4 November 2022

On October 24, representatives of the Moventia Council received at the corporate offices of Moventia in Sant Cugat del Vallés a delegation from the government of the Pays de Montbéliard Agglomeration made up of Mr. Charles Demouge, President, and Mrs. Aline Pellet, General Director of Services.

During the visit, the guests were able to get to know first-hand the human team of the Moventia corporate departments that actively participate in the proper day-to-day running of the Moventis Pays de Montbéliard operation, supporting the local human team. Likewise, they were able to see how the control center of the exploitation in the province of Barcelona works and were able to share impressions with the management team that was accompanying them throughout their visit.

Moventia began its business career in France with the urban, interurban and school transport service for the Pays de Montbéliard agglomeration in 2017, in the French county of north-eastern France, bordering Switzerland, where 72 municipalities are served. The Moventis – Pays de Montbéliard service is developed thanks to the daily work of 215 professionals, 65 of its own urban buses and 50 subcontractors.