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Sarsa Terrassa, venue for the Plenary Session of the Terrassa Chamber of Commerce
15 December 2021

Sarsa Terrassa, the official dealership for Audi, Seat, Skoda, Cupra and Volkswagen located between Calle Cinca and Calle Jiloca was the venue recently chosen by the Terrassa Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services to hold its plenary session.

The event, which took place on the top floor of the dealership where the Audi Selection Plus range of second-hand vehicles can be found, was attended by members of the organisation’s plenary session, consisting of various executives and business leaders from the area of influence covered by this chamber of commerce, to analyse and debate several issues related to the current and future status of the business fabric in Terrassa.

The Managing Director of the Terrassa Chamber of Commerce, Josep Prats, said “I would like to thank Enric Fauste, General Manager of Sarsa, for the mutual trust that has been built up together between the chamber of commerce and Sarsa, culminating in this event being held here today”.

In response, Enric Fauste, General Manager of Sarsa went on to add that “it is our pleasure that such an important organisation as the Terrassa Chamber of Commerce would choose our premises to hold one of its most important annual meetings”.

Ramon Talamàs, President of the Terrassa Chamber of Commerce, expressed his gratitude for the service provided by Sarsa Terrassa to the organisation and went on to add that, “thanks to this system of meetings held away from our own premises, we can get closer to the reality and circumstances of local businesses, such as the Moventia Group in this case. We have clearly seen its strong capacity and forward-looking vision of the automotive sector and mobility”. 

Finally, Miquel Martí, Chairman of Moventia, said “we are very happy to be here today and to have this chance to take part in an event by the chamber of commerce that gathers such a great deal of the business fabric of Terrassa in one place, an essential way to promote the city’s economy”.