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TCC Pamplona ‘Teaming’ donates over 22,000 euros to social projects in five years
15 December 2021

Over the five years it has existed, the TCC Pamplona ‘Teaming’ has managed to reach a total of 22,500 euros in support of 15 social projects. This year, three organisations received a total of 4,500 euros. They were the Eunate Elkartea Association, the Médicos del Mundo Navarra Association and the Brazadas de Superación Foundation.


The money raised comes from micro-donations of one euro from the salaries of half of the company workforce, to which is added the contribution from TCC Pamplona itself, which donates one additional euro for every euro donated by the employees taking part in the initiative. These donations continued to arrive even during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The employees of TCC Pamplona are also responsible for choosing the social entities that receive their donation. In this regard, the drivers Daniel Rodríguez and Mave Navarro decided to give their donations to the Eunate Elkartea Association for its ‘Learning to Talk’ project. Since 1999, this association has been defending the rights of the hearing impaired by supporting and helping families to enhance their well-being and full integration into society. This video shows their work.