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The MCP launches a campaign to encourage the use of regional urban transport
10 February 2023


The Commonwealth of the Region of Pamplona (Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Pamplona in spanish) will develop a communication campaign over the next two weeks to promote the use of Regional Urban Transport, focusing especially on the young public and on-demand stop service for women. Starting on Monday, November 13, and under the slogan “Get on the villavesa!”, the campaign will highlight the advantages of this sustainable, accessible and safe mode of transport.

From the point of view of sustainability, it must be remembered that 45% of the Regional Urban Transport fleet has ECO certification and 13 new villavesas that move with gas from renewable sources have recently been incorporated. In 2021, according to the latest balance made by the MCP, the Carbon Footprint of the service was reduced by almost 2,000 tons of CO2 equivalent, which represents significant progress for the entity in its objective to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

On the other hand, the campaign highlights the accessibility of the TUC, since it is a cheap and easy-to-use means of transport. The buses are prepared for access by people with reduced mobility and for the use of wheelchairs. In addition, the TUC service is more accessible thanks to the different modalities and payment systems.

Thirdly, the safety of the service is underlined, making special mention of the intermediate stop service on demand on all night service lines: a measure aimed at increasing the safety of women travelling alone or in a group.


As the main novelty, the single TUC ticket can now be paid with a bank card. In this way, those people who occasionally use the service, do not have a transport card at that time, do not have a balance on said card or are on a tourist or professional visit, can now pay for the single ticket with their physical bank card or with the virtual card enabled on the mobile.

On the other hand, the advantages of the personalized card with 30-day pass that allows you to make as many trips as needed during a period of 30 days in three modalities: general, youth and large family. Finally, reference is made to the Tu Villavesa app that allows you to check the timetables and occupancy of the villavesas on all lines and stops in real time.

The campaign will be oriented towards three types of groups –general, young people and women– and will be disseminated through different media and supports: radio spots, brochures and hangers in villavesas, posters on canopies and signage in villavesas and taxis. In addition, awareness-raising activities will be carried out at the universities located in Pamplona. Finally, when disseminating the content related to the on-demand stops for women, the collaboration of town halls and women’s groups in the region has been requested.

Linked to this content, it should be noted that the taxi service in the Pamplona Region will also be present in the communication actions. Thus, for two months, 40 taxis will display on the outside of the vehicle messages addressed to the women users of the service with the following message: “Come back safely. This taxi waits for you to enter the portal”.