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Visit by the Director-General for Transport and Mobility of the Regional Government of Catalonia
21 July 2020

The offices of Moventia HQ were visited this morning by a delegation from the Department of Regional Affairs and Sustainability of the Regional Government of Catalonia. The Director-General for Transport and Mobility, David Saldoni, was accompanied by the Deputy Director-General for Transport Planning and Sectoral Development, Josep Maria Fortuny, and the Deputy Director-General for Public Transport, Benjamín Cubillo.

The visitors received a tour of the new Moventia offices and its control centre, and were shown the new work culture implemented by Moventia since the end of last year when it relocated to the new corporate HQ in Sant Cugat.

The visit was initially planned for March this year but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 health crisis and could not be rearranged until July. On behalf of Moventia, the visitors were welcomed by: Josep Maria Martí, Executive Vice-President of Moventis and CEO of Moventia; Sílvia Martí, Corporate Vice-President of Moventia; Miquel Martí Pierre, Managing Director of the Discretionary Transport Division; Joan Giménez, Managing Director of the Regular Transport Division; and Jordi Castells, Operations Director of Moventis.

Comprehensive answers were provided during the visit to all the questions and concerns expressed by both the regional government representatives and Moventia regarding the current situation in the transport and mobility sector.

A lo largo de la visita, se ha podido dar respuesta exhaustiva a todas las consultas e inquietudes mostradas tanto por parte de los representantes de la Generalitat como por parte de Moventia en relación a la situación actual del sector del transporte y la movilidad