Josep Maria Martí takes part in Sant Cugat 2030: City of the future

On Friday, 27 May, Josep Maria Martí (Deputy Chairman of Moventia and CEO of Moventis) took part in an event entitled “Sant Cugat 2030: City of the future”. The event sought to offer a response to the various demographic growth, sustainability and economic challenges faced by the city over the coming eight years.

Held in the Sala Clavé hall at “La Unió Santcugatenca”three talks were given by experts to open a debate aimed at understanding the future of this city. The ultimate goal for the event was to enter a dialogue with experts and politicians on the status of the city and the challenges it faces in the near future.

The day focused on the three round table discussions. The first was based on “A city for living in”, from which the main conclusion was that “diversity is what attracts people to cities”.

The second dialogue session of the day began after a breakfast that provided networking opportunities. “Sustainable City” offered a common outlook on everything that needs to be considered for building a more sustainable city ecosystem, calling on organisations to adopt a more active role. Josep Maria Martí took part in this session.

Various issues were addressed during the debate, such as adapting the city to all the challenges and objectives stemming from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, equality, responsible consumption and production, and climate action.

The contribution from Josep Maria Martí highlighted the importance of harnessing EU funds in order to make progress towards a greener economy and society, called for incentives to encourage society and companies to commit to electric vehicles because 15 million journeys are made within the metropolitan area alone (300,000 of those in Sant Cugat) and defended nuclear power as a source of energy, as well as the importance of building wind farms.

The final conclusion from the second round table discussion was that Sant Cugat will only be viable if progress can be made towards a sustainable ecosystem, one that is conducive to a change of mentality that encompasses and involves education, society, companies and public authorities.

The third and final debate, which concluded the event, discussed another of the key issues for current affairs in the city: being an economic magnet. This dialogue was centred around how the city should adapt itself in order to remain attractive to large companies, as well as the challenges faced by the city in terms of business by small- and medium-sized enterprises.

CityBike Global becomes Inurba Mobility and arrives in Stockholm

CityBike Global, the operator of public individual mobility services funded by Moventia and in which Sherpa Capital currently holds a stake, recently presented its new rebranding process at an event in Barcelona. Following this process, the company will now operate in all the markets where it does business worldwide under the name of Inurba Mobility.

Seven years after the brand was created, this new name reflects the transformation undergone by the company and is also enshrined in a new visual identity that connects with cities, sustainability and growth.

While upholding these values, the company has also maintained a clear international focus. Sherpa Capital became a shareholder in 2020 to boost growth and the results have been highly effective. The company has doubled its sales turnover since it began operating in new international markets over the last two years.

The company announced that, for 2023, it plans to increase billing by 60% on the consolidated growth already seen in 2022 thanks to new projects that have already been signed this year and expects to post a turnover of close to 25 million euros.

This change of branding is a strategic move aimed at further strengthening the project and reflecting the company’s values and mission through the changes, which include a drive to offer services to cities and their inhabitants that can improve quality of life by providing new sustainable and efficient mobility options.

Inurba Mobility is an international company operating in several European and Latin American markets that, thanks to extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the market, has successfully consolidated itself as the internationally benchmark operator and continues to add new destinations to the list of those where it offers its services.

In this regard, a public electric bicycle service was launched in the city of Stockholm (Sweden) in partnership with Inurba Mobility in May. The first 1,000 units of a total 5,100 that will be deployed around the city by the end of the year are already in place, with the hope that this will become one of the largest bike sharing services in Europe.

The launch of this new service in Stockholm will bring thousands of new, efficient and sustainable vehicles to the city and will be available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For the service offered in this city, Inurba has chosen Vaimoo as its strategic partner for the supply of smart electric bikes. Jordi Cabañas, CEO of Inurba Mobility, said “this new project by Inurba Mobility strengthens the leading European position held by the company in terms of public micro-mobility services”.

Moventia supports mobility initiatives and services that promote the values of sustainability and growth, as well as the search for better quality of life for people through the use of services that foster health and look after the environment.




Josep Maria Martí takes part in session on Sustainable Mobility by Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell

Josep Maria Martí, the CEO of Moventia and Executive Vice-President of Moventis, took part in a session on Sustainable Mobility at companies organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Sabadell, an event that was also attended by Sergi Jiménez, Sales Manager at Circontrol.

Various topics were discussed at the conference: mobility and improving how we look after the environment; mobility in the Metropolitan Region; current regulations; and the latest trends emerging in the various mobility sectors.

Based on an analysis of the current mobility situation in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, a focus was placed on the average number of journeys made by the population standing at 21.83 per person per week. Two out of every three inter-municipal journeys are made using a private vehicle. One million journeys per day to enter and leave Barcelona. That’s why we need to boost public transport while also decarbonising private vehicles at a feasible and viable pace. In Catalonia, there are 5.4 million private vehicles, of which 3.5 million are cars, 889 million are motorcycles, 750,000 are lorries and 172,000 are buses, among others.

Bus transportation is third on the list of chosen travel methods among the public, with a total of 172,003 movements throughout Catalonia and behind cars, motorcycles and lorries and vans, it being the most widespread form of public transport. Josep María also mentioned the letter from British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, which he started by saying “I love buses”.

In terms of sustainability, a number of issues were discussed with direct links to regulations and the environment, as well as the transition towards clean energy with the disappearance of diesel and petrol, and the presentation of various active recovery, transformation and resilience plans promoted by the Government of Spain and the Regional Government of Catalonia, among others.

The latest trends emerging in the various mobility sectors – Public Transport, Private Transport, Goods Transportation, and Active Mobility and Micromobility – were among the other main topics highlighted by the group’s CEO at the conference, as well as the trends currently driving the entire automotive sector.

After the huge success of this sustainable mobility session, the Water, Energy and Environment Commission of the Chamber of Commerce is already planning the next event, which will take place in May to follow up with a second series of conferences. Moventia continues to play its part in promoting sustainable mobility and greater care for the environment on all our journeys.


New public bike sharing service for CityBike Global

Barcelona, February 9th, 2022, CityBike Global and the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area have signed the contract for the new Mevo public bike-sharing service.  The service will have 4,200 bicycles, of which 3.100 ebikes, distributed in the 16 municipalities of the Metropolis before June 2023.


CityBike Global, a leading micro mobility company in Europe and Latin America, is the successful bidder for the public bike sharing service in the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area, after signing the contract to implement this new service in the Metropolis. Consequently, the company reinforces its presence at European level and consolidates its international leadership in the bike sharing service that it already offers in cities such as Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Clermont Ferrand, Lima and, starting in April this year, the city of Stockholm.

In the words of Michal Glaser, president of the Metropolitan Area of Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot, the signing of the contract with a new operator leaves behind the first stage of Mevo and the two years of hard struggle with the procedures of the Polish public procurement law. He added that the same type of bicycle will be introduced soon in Stockholm, and that these bikes are already being used in major European cities. He concluded that this would allow good cooperation and that the inhabitants of the Metropolis will be able to enjoy these bicycles in 2023.

For his part, Jordi Cabañas Faura, Managing Director of CityBike Global, expressed how interesting is this project as the metropolis of Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot is the fourth largest in Poland, friendly to sustainable transport, people, and entrepreneurs. He also mentioned the pride that as a global company represents the fact of being able to offer these services, not only because it is a new city, but especially because it is the first project in Poland in the context of development plans in the Polish market (CBG is currently participating in the tender for the bike sharing service in the Metropolis of Upper Silesia-Zalebie), committing to do everything possible to meet its requirements. He thanked all the local authorities and, specially, the entire Mevo team in the Metropolitan Area.

CityBike Global will have until June 2023 to complete the launch of the entire system in the 16 municipalities. Kolbudy and Kosakowo also joined the 14 local governments that originally participated in the project (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot, Żukowo, Reda, Pruszcz Gdański, Tczew, Sierakowice, Rumia, Somonino, Stężyca, Kartuzy, Puck and Władysławowo). Hence the increase in the number of bicycle collection and return stations, from 660 to 717.

Julia Gilavert Participates in the International Mobility Congress

With the slogan “Drive into Innovation”, the first edition of the International Mobility Congress was held on 21st and 22nd September. Over the two days, 70 speakers discussed global success stories and debated the future of mobility. Nearly 800 professionals attended the event with 30% of them connected via streaming.

Julia Gilavert, Director of Moventis Illes, participated along with Mario CanetTransports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) and Antonio Cendrero, Arriva Spain, in the roundtable “Low-Emissions Buses. Enhanced Energy Efficiency and User Experience” during which the usage experience and advantages of the different energy models, including electric, hydrogen and gas, were debated. Julia underlined the virtues of #CompressedNaturalGas in comparison to other existing models. The three participants concluded that the future is uncertain and, in all likelihood, the three energy models will eventually live together.

Moventis Group’s Autocares Emilio Seco Invests 4 Million Euros in its All-New Hybrid Fleet

  • With this investment, the Moventis discretionary services company has renewed 65% of its fleet transforming 25 coaches to compressed natural gas with the ECO seal.
  • Autocares Emilio Seco is also starting this second half of the year having renewed its agreement with the Balearic Islands Regional Department of Education to provide school transport services. Likewise, it has signed new contracts as a school and handicapped mobility and transport operator on Majorca.
  • The company has unveiled its new more modern and dynamic corporate identity which was inspired by the concept of connectivity and reflects its 50 years of experience in the sector.


Barcelona, September 2021. Autocares Emilio Seco, the Moventis discretionary services company on Majorca, is starting off the second half of 2021 at full speed. The company has become an even stronger sector reference in sustainable mobility after investing 4 million euros into renovating and reconverting its fleet of coaches to make them sustainable.

This investment was used by Autocares Emilio Seco to add 25 compressed natural gas (CNG) hybrid models with the ECO seal. The operation boosted the transformation of its fleet, which is currently comprised of 65% CNG models with the ECO seal, as well as a company action under its commitment to reduce its impact on the environment. This is also a priority goal for the Moventis group which includes Autocares Emilio Seco.

In fact, nearly 50% of the Moventis fleet of buses, coaches, tramways and bikes has been converted into electric, hybrid and natural gas or diesel models that comply with the Euro VI regulation, which is the most recent and restrictive when it comes to reducing contaminating emissions.

Trust in a Company with 50 Years of Experience in the Sector

Autocares Emilio Seco is fully consolidated as a reference in mobility and transport on the Balearic Islands and more specifically on Majorca. Its 50 years of success have earned it the trust of local users and entities who enjoy its services daily.

Thus, the company was able to renew its contract to provide the transport services it had been providing to the Balearic Islands Regional Department of Education. Specifically, it operates 60 routes moving 3,000 boys and girls every day and has done so for 4 years. Added to this are two additional adapted transport services which position Autocares Emilio Seco as the main school and PRM transport operator on the island of Majorca.

The company also recently signed a contract with the Town Hall of Calviá (Majorca) to operate discretionary transport services in that town. These services are for certain groups of residents in the municipality of Calviá such as the elderly, school cultural excursions as well as specific services for people with reduced mobility.

Finally, Autocares Emilio Seco also began school services in September for the Town of Calviá sailing school centres.

Miquel Martí Pierre, Managing Director of Moventis Discretionary Services, said, “A commitment to innovation, excellent service and the environment is in the Moventis DNA. It’s a commitment that moves us to work every single day with all of the group’s companies in order to turn it into a reality. In the case of Autocares Emilio Seco, it’s a step forward as the collective transport leader on Majorca.”

He also said, “The renewed and new contracts for Majorca back our good work and push us to continue working in this strategic line of technology and sustainability.”  

A New Corporate Identity as the Symbol of Evolution and Service Excellence

After 50 years, Autocares Emilio Seco now has an all-new more modern and dynamic corporate image with a new logo inspired by the concept of connectivity in conjunction with the idea that mobility connects us. It is also a reflection of the company’s evolution and professionalism in the services it offers customers.

Thus, all Autocares Emilio Seco vehicles and professionals will now sport this new corporate identity which represents the beginning of a new era for the company with its commitment to excellent services and the environment.

In the words of Emilio Seco, Manager of Autocares Emilio Seco“We’re quite pleased to start this final leg of 2021 with these great new developments considering it’s been a really complicated year for us and the entire sector in general. At Emilio Seco, we have always been close to our customers with a desire to meet their mobility needs by developing innovative environmentally-friendly transport solutions.” He added, “We’re proud to see just how far we’ve got in the last half century and will continue working day after day to ensure our customers can enjoy the best in mobility.”

CityBike Presents the New Stockholm Public Bicycle Service

CityBike Global chose VAIMOO as a strategic partner for the supply of electric bikes for this new public service in the Swedish capital which is expected to be one of the largest in Europe and the world.

CityBike Global, the leading micro-mobility company in Europe and Latin America, which belongs to Moventia Group, was awarded the public electric bike service in the city of Stockholm after signing an agreement with the city council to implement this new mode of transport throughout the city. The company is thus reinforcing its European presence and consolidating its international leadership in public shared bike services which are already being offered in cities like Helsinki, Paris and Lima.

For this new project, which is expected to be one of the largest in Europe and the world, CityBike Global chose VAIMOO as a strategic partner to supply the more than 5,100 smart electric bikes needed. Its experience supplying these types of models in other European biking mobility capital cities like Copenhagen, Rotterdam and in the United Kingdom, made it the best choice for City Bike Global for the provision of this service in Stockholm. In fact, the Stockholm e-bike is a version of the CES 2021 award-winning VAIMOO e-bike which has been specifically adapted to meet the city’s mobility needs.

The new e-bike sharing programme in the Swedish capital will equip the city with thousands of new efficient and sustainable vehicles considering this bike model’s recycled aluminium frame and fast large-capacity interchangeable battery. Available 24 hours a day all year long, the electric bikes will be connected to a flexible management system which can be integrated with those already existing to help decongest urban traffic. This flexible system can set up virtual stations where vehicles can be parked after each trip.

As stated by Jordi Cabañas, CEO of CityBike Global“We’re proud to have been chosen by the city as a partner to operate this strategic service which will provide the citizens of Stockholm with an alternative active mobility choice. This new CityBike project reinforces our position as a European leader in public micro-mobility services.”

“This agreement takes VAIMOO electric bikes to another world biking capital,” said Matteo Pertosa, CEO and Founder of VAIMOO, adding, “The tie to CityBike Global in the Stockholm project is a source of great pride for me personally as well as for the entire VAIMOO team, which is continuously committed to designing and implementing public biking systems that can be easily integrated for alternative, sustainable and inclusive mobility.

100 Years of Sarfa

Since 9th September, we’ve been celebrating another historical milestone for Moventia: 100 years of Moventis SARFA, one of the Moventia companies with the longest history. Thanks to all of our human resources, who work tirelessly day after day, SARFA has reached its one hundredth anniversary very strong as one of the most iconic institutions in El Empordà and a real symbol for public transport throughout Girona and Catalonia.

Congratulations to SARFA for a successful history that inspires us to keep on working to offer people the best mobility experience.

On the occasion of this great milestone, we’ve begun a series of actions to share the celebrations with our travelling community. These promotional actions will continue for the coming months and on a corporate level as well.



Moventis Stands Out as a Transport Operator for Various Entities

A number of service contracts have been signed recently deriving from public tenders awarded to Moventis group companies in Catalonia.

Thus, Moventis will operate school transport services for the district Consejo Comarcal del Vallès Occidental through its companies Izaro and Calella, handling the local primary and secondary school routes on a 5-year contract which once again positions the group in the region as the leader in collective transport just as it historically has been. Along the same lines, a contract has also been signed with the district Consejo Comarcal del Gironès, under which Izaro and SARFA will manage some transport services.

Also in the school transport business, the contract with the district Consejo Comarcal del Baix Llobregat has been renewed so that the same services it has been offering will continue in addition to others which Izaro will operate along with TCC.

In the field of sports, four of the major Catalan clubs: Girona Fútbol Club and C. E. Sabadell, Básquet Girona and Unió Esportiva Costa Brava, have placed their trust in the Moventis Group as Autocares Calella will handle the athletes’ travel throughout the championship.

What’s more, Moventis will continue accompanying the Symphonic Orchestra of El Vallès for all of its travel throughout the territory, thereby reaffirming the commitment to support culture as is evident after having been awarded the Entity Committed to Culture Seal from the Catalonia Culture Foundation in collaboration with the Universitat de Girona Chair of Social Responsibility.

Other public entities have continued trusting in Moventis transport services for their personnel travel such as the Photonic Science Institute (ICFO), which has extended its service contract for the next 5 years. On the other hand, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) has also renewed its personnel transport service contract for another year. Both of these services are operated by Izaro.

Finally, the contract for the FGC Vallvidrera Cable Car replacement services was once again awarded to Izaro this summer.

It’s all no doubt thanks to the great work done by Moventia personnel.